Play some FBI games here. Before studying a crime scene we must practice the skills needed in analyzing evidence. This project is about famous private detectives and solving mysteries. It is an ideal way to teach critical thinking, problem solving, British literature and history in English.
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Who took a bite out of the candy? Stickyfingers have been found on the broken aquarium glass. Wet footprintslead to the open window. What is that powdery substance nextto the broken piggy bank? Answering these questions is what forensic scienceis all about.
Forensic science is the study of objectsthat relate to a crime. The objects are evidence and analyzing the evidenceis what forensic scientists do. They observe, classify, compare, use numbers,measure, predict, interpret data, and draw inferences. Scientists theyare and crimes they solve.
Learn how to be a crime solver by exploringthe world of the forensic scientist. Before studying a crime scene we must practice the skills needed in analyzing evidence. Study some of the before solving the CASE OF THE BAREFOOTED BURGLAR..
The bones ofthe feet can tell a lot about a person. What do feet reveal about a person'sheight? Forensic anthropologists team up with law enforcers to help solvecrimes.
Bones of thefeet can reveal an interesting fact about an individual. Let's combine mathwith forensics ….
The length of a person's foot is approximately 15 percent of his or her height. |
There are 7different finger patterns
Powderanalysis and Teeth impressions.
tHIS IS WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO:Usingthe clues found at the crime scene, determine which of the four suspects isthe 'barefooted burglar'? What do you think was the motive for thiscrime? Write the results of your findings and convince a jury of your peers.